If you believe a just-released news release from the RV Industry Association (RVIA), then you might react by saying “Are you kidding me?” The RVIA now reports that the average median age for first-time RV buyers in 2022 is 32, “continuing the trend of younger and more diverse buyers entering the RV lifestyle.” Wasn’t it just a short time ago it was around 50?
The median age, to clarify, is calculated by taking the “middle” value, the value for which half of the observations are larger and half are smaller.
And you might be at least slightly amazed that the number one reason these relative “youngsters” decided to purchase an RV (a whopping 39% of them) was because they wanted “a place to stay while working.” So much for camping and sitting around the campfire at night roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories.
Additionally, the ease and affordability of RVing were also important motivations for RV travel, with 32% of buyers citing avoiding common travel hassles and 30% citing the ability to save money on travel costs.
View the infographic below for even more stats on the newest RV buyers.